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The Solution

Once open, our Safe Home model will include these 3 key pillars.  Until the safe home is open, we are supporting our community now while we implement our model through our "Social Wellness Lab" that will be held Saturday afternoons. 

Seamless Collaboration


Family Involvement

We know that it's not only our girls who need support and guidance as they are learning about healthy lifestyles and positive choices, their family needs it too.  Our model requires the mothers or parent(s) to meet with us regularly to ensure successful outcomes for their current and future generation.


 Live-In Counselors

Our girls need a lot of support and healing that does not just fall into a weekly session or an on-call method.  We want our girls to know they have people to count on who not only help in their healing, but in their day-to-day life challenges as well. Our professional, life-in trauma informed counselors are there 24/7.


Holistic Approach

Living a healthy lifestyle is ALL the stuff. We focus on mind, body and soul through our various programs to ensure the girls not only heal their minds and hearts, but learn about healthy food, making positive choices, important life skills, and new experiences to help get them to a sustainable baseline. 

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